// ======================================================================================================== // ======================================================================================================== // ****************************************** commonDB_RT.c *********************************************** // ======================================================================================================== // ======================================================================================================== // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Company: IC-Safety, LLC and University of New Mexico // Engineer: Professor Jim Plusquellic // Exclusive License: IC-Safety, LLC // Copyright: Univ. of New Mexico //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "common.h" #include "commonDB_RT.h" // ======================================================================================================== // ======================================================================================================== // This callback is called once for each matching row in a table referred to by the SQL query. It adds 1 // element to the array in UserSpecifiedData on each call dynamically. int SQL_GetAllocateListOfInstancesPlacements_callback(void *UserSpecifiedData, int argc, char **argv, char **azColName) { SQLInstancePlacementNamesStruct *SQL_IPN_struct_ptr = (SQLInstancePlacementNamesStruct *)UserSpecifiedData; // Sanity check. if ( argc != 3 ) { printf("ERROR: SQL_GetAllocateListOfInstancesPlacements_callback(): Expected argc to be 3!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } // Sanity check. Check to make sure the SQLIntStruct is NOT NULL; if ( SQL_IPN_struct_ptr == NULL ) { printf("ERROR: SQL_GetAllocateListOfInstancesPlacements_callback(): UserSpecified data MUST NOT BE NULL!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } // Allocate or re-allocate another element to the array. THIS ROUTINE GETS CALLED MULTIPLE TIMES. if ( (SQL_IPN_struct_ptr->instance_names_arr = (char **)realloc(SQL_IPN_struct_ptr->instance_names_arr, sizeof(char *) * (SQL_IPN_struct_ptr->num_eles + 1))) == NULL ) { printf("ERROR: SQL_GetAllocateListOfInstancesPlacements_callback(): Failed to reallocate storage for SQL_IPN_struct_ptr->instance_names_arr!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if ( (SQL_IPN_struct_ptr->placement_names_arr = (char **)realloc(SQL_IPN_struct_ptr->placement_names_arr, sizeof(char *) * (SQL_IPN_struct_ptr->num_eles + 1))) == NULL ) { printf("ERROR: SQL_GetAllocateListOfInstancesPlacements_callback(): Failed to reallocate storage for SQL_IPN_struct_ptr->placement_names_arr!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if ( (SQL_IPN_struct_ptr->PUFInstance_IDs_arr = (int *)realloc(SQL_IPN_struct_ptr->PUFInstance_IDs_arr, sizeof(int) * (SQL_IPN_struct_ptr->num_eles + 1))) == NULL ) { printf("ERROR: SQL_GetAllocateListOfInstancesPlacements_callback(): Failed to allocate storage for SQL_IPN_struct_ptr->PUFInstance_IDs_arr!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } int name_len; name_len = strlen(argv[0]); if ( name_len == 0 ) { printf("ERROR: SQL_GetAllocateListOfInstancesPlacements_callback(): Returned string length is 0!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if ( (SQL_IPN_struct_ptr->instance_names_arr[SQL_IPN_struct_ptr->num_eles] = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * name_len)) == NULL ) { printf("ERROR: SQL_GetAllocateListOfInstancesPlacements_callback(): Failed to allocate storage for SQL_IPN_struct_ptr->instance_names_arr ELEMENT!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } strcpy(SQL_IPN_struct_ptr->instance_names_arr[SQL_IPN_struct_ptr->num_eles], argv[0]); name_len = strlen(argv[1]); if ( name_len == 0 ) { printf("ERROR: SQL_GetAllocateListOfInstancesPlacements_callback(): Returned string length is 0!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if ( (SQL_IPN_struct_ptr->placement_names_arr[SQL_IPN_struct_ptr->num_eles] = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * name_len)) == NULL ) { printf("ERROR: SQL_GetAllocateListOfInstancesPlacements_callback(): Failed to allocate storage for SQL_IPN_struct_ptr->placement_names_arr ELEMENT!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } strcpy(SQL_IPN_struct_ptr->placement_names_arr[SQL_IPN_struct_ptr->num_eles], argv[1]); sscanf(argv[2], "%d", &(SQL_IPN_struct_ptr->PUFInstance_IDs_arr[SQL_IPN_struct_ptr->num_eles])); (SQL_IPN_struct_ptr->num_eles)++; #ifdef DEBUG printf("SQL_GetAllocateListOfInstancesPlacements_callback(): New number of elements in integer array %d\n", SQL_IPN_struct_ptr->num_eles); fflush(stdout); #endif #ifdef DEBUG int i; for( i = 0; i < argc; i++ ) { printf("%s = %s\n", azColName[i], argv[i] ? argv[i] : "NULL"); } printf("\n"); #endif return 0; } // ======================================================================================================== // ======================================================================================================== // Get all unique chip names (instance_name and placement) associated with a design_index and function from // the Bitstrings table in the RunTime DB. void GetAllUniqueChipsForDesignIndexAndFunctionName(int max_string_len, sqlite3 *db, SQLInstancePlacementNamesStruct *Chip_IPN_struct_ptr, int design_index, char *function_name) { char sql_command_str[max_string_len]; char *zErrMsg = 0; int fc; #ifdef DEBUG printf("GetAllUniqueChipsForDesignIndexAndFunctionName(): Called!\n"); fflush(stdout); #endif sprintf(sql_command_str, "SELECT DISTINCT InstanceName, Placement, PUFInstanceID FROM Bitstrings WHERE DesignIndex = %d AND SecurityFunction = '%s';", design_index, function_name); // Initialize the fields before the callback is called. Chip_IPN_struct_ptr->instance_names_arr = NULL; Chip_IPN_struct_ptr->placement_names_arr = NULL; Chip_IPN_struct_ptr->PUFInstance_IDs_arr = NULL; Chip_IPN_struct_ptr->num_eles = 0; // The callback will be called multiple times, once for each matching database element to sql_command_str. fc = sqlite3_exec(db, sql_command_str, SQL_GetAllocateListOfInstancesPlacements_callback, Chip_IPN_struct_ptr, &zErrMsg); if ( fc != SQLITE_OK ) { printf("SQL ERROR: %s\n", zErrMsg); sqlite3_free(zErrMsg); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } return; } // ======================================================================================================== // ======================================================================================================== // Given a design_index, instance_name ("C1"), placement_name ("V1") and function ("SE"), retrieve all the // matching table ids (if any). void GetBitstringsIDsForDesignInstancePlacementFunctionName(int max_string_len, sqlite3 *db, SQLIntStruct *Bitstrings_ID_index_struct_ptr, int design_index, char *instance_name, char *placement_name, char *function_name) { char sql_command_str[max_string_len]; sprintf(sql_command_str, "SELECT ID FROM Bitstrings WHERE DesignIndex = %d AND InstanceName = '%s' AND Placement = '%s' AND SecurityFunction = '%s' ORDER BY CreationDate ASC;", design_index, instance_name, placement_name, function_name); GetAllocateListOfInts(max_string_len, db, sql_command_str, Bitstrings_ID_index_struct_ptr); return; } // ======================================================================================================== // ======================================================================================================== // Get all the bitstrings associated with Bitstrings table in the RunTime DB records that match the design_index, // chip name fields and function, e.g., DA. #define MAX_BITSTRING_SIZE 2048 int GetBitstringsCreationDateForChipNum(int max_string_len, sqlite3 *db, int design_index, char *chip_name, char *placement_name, char *function_name, char ***Bitstrings_ptr, char ***CreationDate_ptr) { char bitstring_creation_date[MAX_BITSTRING_SIZE]; SQLIntStruct Bitstrings_ID_index_struct; SQLRowStringsStruct row_strings_struct; char sql_command_str[max_string_len]; char *col1_name = "Bitstring"; char *col2_name = "CreationDate"; int bs_num; // Get all Bitstring table IDs for matches to the parameters. This routine returns an array of IDs. Note that this search can also be done // using PUFInstance_ID, which is also unique and one-to-one with "chip_name" and "placement_name". GetBitstringsIDsForDesignInstancePlacementFunctionName(max_string_len, db, &Bitstrings_ID_index_struct, design_index, chip_name, placement_name, function_name); // Sanity check. if ( Bitstrings_ID_index_struct.num_ints == 0 ) { printf("ERROR: GetBitstringsCreationDateForChipNum(): No Bitstrings found that match search criteria (DI %d Chip %s Placement %s Function %s)!\n", design_index, chip_name, placement_name, function_name); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } printf("Number of Bitstrings found for search criteria (DesignIndex %d Chip %s Placement %s Function %s) is %d!\n", design_index, chip_name, placement_name, function_name, Bitstrings_ID_index_struct.num_ints); fflush(stdout); #ifdef DEBUG #endif if ( (*Bitstrings_ptr = (char **)malloc(sizeof(char *) * Bitstrings_ID_index_struct.num_ints)) == NULL ) { printf("ERROR: GetBitstringsCreationDateForChipNum(): Failed to allocated storage for Bitstrings array!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if ( (*CreationDate_ptr = (char **)malloc(sizeof(char *) * Bitstrings_ID_index_struct.num_ints)) == NULL ) { printf("ERROR: GetBitstringsCreationDateForChipNum(): Failed to allocated storage for CreationDate array!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } // Using the Bitstrings IDs returned above, go back to these records and get the bitstrings for ( bs_num = 0; bs_num < Bitstrings_ID_index_struct.num_ints; bs_num++ ) { // Sanity check. GetBitstringsIDsForDesignInstancePlacementFunctionName() orders IDs by CreationDate. The ID should be assending in the // order of creation date (the order in which they are added to the database). Warning if not??? No harm if this occurs but why would // it happen? if ( bs_num > 0 && Bitstrings_ID_index_struct.int_arr[bs_num-1] >= Bitstrings_ID_index_struct.int_arr[bs_num] ) printf("WARNING: GetBitstringsKeyFields(): Bitstring IDs NOT in CreationDate order!\n"); sprintf(sql_command_str, "SELECT %s FROM Bitstrings WHERE id = %d;", col1_name, Bitstrings_ID_index_struct.int_arr[bs_num]); GetStringsDataForRow(max_string_len, db, sql_command_str, &row_strings_struct); // NOTE: We ASSUME the bitstrings stored in the RunTime DB are no larger than MAX_BITSTRING_SIZE, which is currently 2048 as defined // above. Otherwise this crashes (-1 disables the size test since bitstrings for DA are variable in length). GetRowResultString(&row_strings_struct, "GetPUFInstanceInfoForID", 1, 0, col1_name, -1, bitstring_creation_date); FreeStringsDataForRow(&row_strings_struct); // Allocate and copy the bitstring (exact size) into the allocated storage. if ( ((*Bitstrings_ptr)[bs_num] = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * (strlen(bitstring_creation_date) + 1))) == NULL ) { printf("ERROR: GetBitstringsCreationDateForChipNum(): Failed to allocated storage for Bitstrings string!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } strcpy((*Bitstrings_ptr)[bs_num], bitstring_creation_date); // Do the same for the creation date. sprintf(sql_command_str, "SELECT %s FROM Bitstrings WHERE id = %d;", col2_name, Bitstrings_ID_index_struct.int_arr[bs_num]); GetStringsDataForRow(max_string_len, db, sql_command_str, &row_strings_struct); // NOTE: We ASSUME the creation dates stored in the RunTime DB are no larger than MAX_BITSTRING_SIZE, which is currently 2048 as defined // above. Otherwise this crashes. GetRowResultString(&row_strings_struct, "GetPUFInstanceInfoForID", 1, 0, col2_name, -1, bitstring_creation_date); FreeStringsDataForRow(&row_strings_struct); // Allocate and copy the creation date (exact size) into the allocated storage. if ( ((*CreationDate_ptr)[bs_num] = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * (strlen(bitstring_creation_date) + 1))) == NULL ) { printf("ERROR: GetBitstringsCreationDateForChipNum(): Failed to allocated storage for CreationDate string!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } strcpy((*CreationDate_ptr)[bs_num], bitstring_creation_date); #ifdef DEBUG printf("CreationData %s for Bitstring %d is %s\n", (*CreationDate_ptr)[bs_num], bs_num, (*Bitstrings_ptr)[bs_num]); fflush(stdout); #endif } free(Bitstrings_ID_index_struct.int_arr); return bs_num; } // ======================================================================================================== // ======================================================================================================== // Save the bitstrings from device/verifier authentication and session encryption to a database as they are // generated so we can later compute stats. #define MAX_BSTRING_CMD_LEN 30000 char SQL_BStrings_insert_into_cmd[MAX_BSTRING_CMD_LEN]; void SaveDBBitstringInfo(int max_string_len, SRFAlgoParamsStruct *SAP_ptr, unsigned char *XMR_SHD, int num_XMR_SHD_bytes, int current_function) { SQLIntStruct PUF_instance_index_struct; char InstanceName[500]; char Dev[500]; char Placement[500]; char date_str[500]; struct tm *tmp; time_t t; char cur_func_str[20]; char fix_params_str[20]; char *BitstringASCII; char *zErrMsg = 0; int fc; #ifdef DEBUG printf("SaveDBBitstringInfo(): CALLED!\n"); fflush(stdout); #endif // Sanity check. Negative is usually -1, and indicates DA or VA failure. if ( SAP_ptr->chip_num < 0 ) { printf("WARNING: SaveDBBitstringInfo(): chip_num stored in SAP_ptr is negative %d!\n", SAP_ptr->chip_num); fflush(stdout); return; } // Get the current date/time. Only 500 characters allocated for this string above. t = time(NULL); tmp = localtime(&t); if (tmp == NULL) { printf("localtime FAILED!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if ( strftime(date_str, sizeof(date_str), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", tmp) == 0 ) { printf("strftime FAILED!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } // Get the PUFInstance name using the chip_num stored in the SAP_ptr (which is the chip_num associated with the bitstring). First get // a list of all PUFInstance ids. Use '%' for * and '_' for ? GetPUFInstanceIDsForInstanceName(max_string_len, SAP_ptr->database_NAT, &PUF_instance_index_struct, "%"); // Sanity check if ( PUF_instance_index_struct.num_ints == 0 ) { printf("ERROR: SaveDBBitstringInfo(): No PUFInstances found!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } // The chip name is stored in the PUFInstance database under the following id. Get the string information from the PUFInstance table. // ONLY 500 characters allocated for these strings above. GetPUFInstanceInfoForID(max_string_len, SAP_ptr->database_NAT, PUF_instance_index_struct.int_arr[SAP_ptr->chip_num], InstanceName, Dev, Placement); // Create string from current function. if ( current_function == FUNC_RB ) strcpy(cur_func_str, "RB"); else if ( current_function == FUNC_DA ) strcpy(cur_func_str, "DA"); else if ( current_function == FUNC_VA ) strcpy(cur_func_str, "VA"); else if ( current_function == FUNC_SE ) strcpy(cur_func_str, "SE"); else if ( current_function == FUNC_LL_ENROLL ) strcpy(cur_func_str, "LLE"); // This never occurs because regeneration is done only on the device, in stand-alone mode else if ( current_function == FUNC_LL_REGEN ) strcpy(cur_func_str, "LLR"); else { printf("ERROR: SaveDBBitstringInfo(): Unknown 'current function' %d!\n", current_function); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } // Only 2 characters allocated for this string above. if ( SAP_ptr->fix_params == 0 ) strcpy(fix_params_str, "N"); else strcpy(fix_params_str, "Y"); // Size of the ASCII bitstring for Raw is 2048 ASCII characters currently. BitstringASCII = NULL; if ( current_function == FUNC_RB ) { if ( (BitstringASCII = (char *)malloc(SAP_ptr->num_required_PNDiffs * sizeof(char))) == NULL ) { printf("ERROR: SaveDBBitstringInfo(): Failed to allocated storage for BitstringASCII!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } // Convert the unsigned char array into an ASCII string of 0's and 1's. ConvertBinVecMaskToASCII(SAP_ptr->DHD_SBS_num_bits, SAP_ptr->verifier_DHD_SBS, BitstringASCII); } // Size of the ASCII bitstring for device and verifier authentication is num_XMR_SHD_bytes*8 ASCII characters else if ( current_function == FUNC_DA || current_function == FUNC_VA ) { if ( (BitstringASCII = (char *)malloc(num_XMR_SHD_bytes * 8 * sizeof(char))) == NULL ) { printf("ERROR: SaveDBBitstringInfo(): Failed to allocated storage for BitstringASCII!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } ConvertBinVecMaskToASCII(num_XMR_SHD_bytes * 8, XMR_SHD, BitstringASCII); // Sanity check if ( strlen(BitstringASCII) != num_XMR_SHD_bytes * 8 ) { printf("ERROR: SaveDBBitstringInfo(): String len of VA or TA BitstringASCII %d NOT equal to requirement %d!\n", (int)strlen(BitstringASCII), num_XMR_SHD_bytes * 8); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } // Session key generation in this PUF-Cash V3.0 version uses FSB mode of KEK so we really don't need 'FUNC_LL_ENROLL' below. else if ( current_function == FUNC_SE ) { if ( (BitstringASCII = (char *)malloc(SAP_ptr->SE_target_num_key_bits * sizeof(char))) == NULL ) { printf("ERROR: SaveDBBitstringInfo(): Failed to allocated storage for BitstringASCII!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } ConvertBinVecMaskToASCII(SAP_ptr->SE_target_num_key_bits, SAP_ptr->SE_final_key, BitstringASCII); } // We do NOT have the KEK key on the verifier, ONLY ON THE DEVICE. So I'll need to transmit it over from the device in order to save it here. // Also, regeneration regenerates the SAME key over and over again, so unless we do enrollment over and over again, no sense saving it here. else if ( current_function == FUNC_LL_ENROLL ) { if ( (BitstringASCII = (char *)malloc(SAP_ptr->KEK_target_num_key_bits * sizeof(char))) == NULL ) { printf("ERROR: SaveDBBitstringInfo(): Failed to allocated storage for BitstringASCII!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } ConvertBinVecMaskToASCII(SAP_ptr->KEK_target_num_key_bits, SAP_ptr->KEK_final_enroll_key, BitstringASCII); } else { printf("ERROR: SaveDBBitstringInfo(): Unknown 'current_function' %d\n", current_function); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } // Sanity check. We need 1000 additional bytes for the rest of the SQL_BStrings_insert_into_cnd below. if ( strlen(BitstringASCII) > MAX_BSTRING_CMD_LEN - 1000 ) { printf("ERROR: SaveDBBitstringInfo(): SQL insert command %d is LARGER than MAX %d!\n", (int)strlen(SQL_BStrings_insert_into_cmd), MAX_BSTRING_CMD_LEN); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } sprintf(SQL_BStrings_insert_into_cmd, "INSERT INTO Bitstrings (DesignIndex, NetlistName, SynthesisName, InstanceName, Dev, Placement, PUFInstanceID, ChallengeSetName, \ CreationDate, SecurityFunction, FixParams, LFSRSeedLow, LFSRSeedHigh, RangeConstant, SpreadConstant, Threshold, Bitstring) VALUES \ (%d, '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', %d, '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, '%s')", SAP_ptr->design_index, SAP_ptr->Netlist_name, SAP_ptr->Synthesis_name, InstanceName, Dev, Placement, PUF_instance_index_struct.int_arr[SAP_ptr->chip_num], SAP_ptr->ChallengeSetName_NAT, date_str, cur_func_str, fix_params_str, SAP_ptr->param_LFSR_seed_low, SAP_ptr->param_LFSR_seed_high, SAP_ptr->param_RangeConstant, SAP_ptr->param_SpreadConstant, SAP_ptr->param_Threshold, BitstringASCII); #ifdef DEBUG printf("SQL cmd: '%s'\n", SQL_BStrings_insert_into_cmd); fflush(stdout); #endif // No callback for insert operation. fc = sqlite3_exec(SAP_ptr->database_RT, SQL_BStrings_insert_into_cmd, NULL, 0, &zErrMsg); if ( fc != SQLITE_OK ) { printf("ERROR: SaveDBBitstringInfo(): Function %s\tSQL ERROR: %s\n", cur_func_str, zErrMsg); sqlite3_free(zErrMsg); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } #ifdef DEBUG printf("SaveDBBitstringInfo(): DONE!\n"); fflush(stdout); #endif if ( BitstringASCII != NULL ) free(BitstringASCII); if ( PUF_instance_index_struct.int_arr != NULL ) free(PUF_instance_index_struct.int_arr); return; }